Rumic World Wikia

Big Eyes (大眼, Ōmanako) is a major character of Mermaid Saga, appearing in the story “Dream’s End”.


He was once a mortal leaving in a village in the seaside, and secretly ate the flesh of a mermaid corpse he found lying on the beach knowing it was supposed to be the elixir of eternal youth and immortality, which resulted in his body transforming partly into that of a deformed one and he unconsciously killed all the villagers including his parents leaving only one female survivor. However thereafter, he came back to his human senses and was able to talk again, but was horrified to see everyone killed and what he had become through his reflection as the lone survivor called him a monster so ran away.

He has been living in solitude in the mountains ever since, but sometimes would feel dizzy and go berserk again, consequently killing people whose remains are then hidden in a deep part of a cave he inhabits. 40 years ago, a hunter challenged him only to have his left eye taken, and would call him “Big Eyes” due to his swelling eyes.

He finds Yuta and Mana unconscious at the bottom of a cliff they fell from, and upon seeing Mana stirring, takes her to his cave where he convinces her that he doesn’t mean any harm when she wakes up during the night. The next day, he has clearly become enamored of Mana who washes herself in a nearby pond and was going to look for Yuta after eating the boar he caught last night and roasted, but he begs her to stay a little longer with him. He reveals his dreadful past to her and expresses how happy he was to have found her, but that happiness is short lived as the one-eyed hunter and Yuta find them, and as the hunter starts shooting him and Yuta approaches, he panics and knocks down the rocks in front of the cave entrance just as Yuta gets inside. He grabs Mana, much to her anger, and runs off with her towards the exit on the other side of the cave, but then puts her down telling her to go back to Yuta for he feels dizzy again, and as he goes berserk and makes his way out of the cave, he unwillingly hits Mana and Yuta had no choice but to stab him despite Mana’s attempts to reason with him. As he lays dying, he feebly calls out Mana who wraps her arms around him telling him to sleep well, and Yuta says he was able to die as a human being.



To be added